Preparing For Parenthood
Our Preparing for Parenthood Service  aims to help families get off to a good start by helping ordinary mothers and fathers-to-be, prepare emotionally for becoming parents and offering support when they do.  It  is designed to build confidence, reduce anxiety and help parents to understand and get to know their baby.

Becoming a parent is one of the most profound and important life transitions we ever face as adults.  It changes our lifestyle, relationships and sense of who we are.  During this major transition, each aspect of life requires rethinking and readjustment -a major challenge! However welcome and joyful, coping with the emotional upheaval a new baby brings, can be daunting.

Social pressure to show only positive feelings can mask the heightened anxiety, vulnerability and marital stress that are common. There is a large body of evidence to suggest that both mothers and fathers are at increased risk of distress in the early years of parenthood and it is not unusual for couples to experience difficulties for the first time or for previous problems to escalate.

Research indicates that how individuals and  couples cope with the transition into parenthood, has long term consequences for the quality of their relationship with each other, with their children and for their children's psychological development.

New research also  indicates that high levels of pre and post – natal maternal stress and/or anxiety can have long term damaging effects on a child's behavioural, emotional and  cognitive  development.

Our Preparing for Parenthood service  was set up by a group of clinical psychologists, in response to a growing body of evidence that offering parents help with the emotional aspects of parenthood before and after the birth of their baby can have long-term benefits for parents and their children.  Research conducted over decades has demonstrated that parents who receive this specialist help show:
Long term benefits in their psychological well-being
Greater satisfaction in their relationship with their partner/spouse
Lower levels of conflict within their relationship
Lower divorce rates
Improved parenting skills
Their children show measurable and sustained benefits in their
psychological, social and intellectual development
Our range of Preparing for Parenthood  groups and consultations aim to offer  these kind of significant benefits by addressing the  psychological  experiences and struggles of  new parents and parents-to-be. We also aim to reduce ante and post natal stress.

We consider the perspectives of the parents as individuals and as a couple, alongside the evolving parent-infant relationship and the developing mind of the baby.  Information about research into parenting and early development is highlighted.
Continuity of Care....

Alongside, our emphasis on the emotional aspects of parenthood, we also aim to offer an experience of continuity of care  before and after the birth of your baby. Many surveys of expectant and new parents highlight their wish for an ongoing relationship with a professional, who can get to know them and their baby over time. This wish for continuity at a time of intense physical and psychological change is understandable.

At Facing Parenthood we do not see birth as the finish line, but appreciate that parents are often in most need of support and continuity during the first months. Indeed the post-natal period is a time when women, and their partners, can be particularly vulnerable to developing psychological and relationship problems. It is also a crucial period in your baby’s emotional development and in your baby’s developing relationship with you.
Day time evening and weekend appointments available
Fees may be recoverable under medical insurance
We are recognised registered providers with leading U.K. Health Insurance Companies
Service covers North and Central London
020 8444 9160      Daytime Evening and Weekend Appointments.      020 8444 9160